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Want to Join?

Trademark Federal Credit Union

Thank you for your interest in joining Trademark!

If you live, work, worship, attend school in, or have a business located in Cumberland, Sagadahoc or Kennebec county, we’d like to invite you to join Trademark Federal Credit Union.

You are also eligible if you have a family member who is a current Member of our Credit Union.

If you retire, change jobs or move to a new location, you can remain a Member of the Credit Union – once a Member, always a Member!


Stop in at one of our branches located in Augusta and South Portland with:

  • Your driver’s license or other government issued picture ID
  • Your Social Security Number
  • If your current address is different from the one listed on your ID, please bring proof of current address, such as utility bill or paystub
  • There is a $5.00 minimum deposit