When you deposit money at Trademark, what happens to it? The Credit Union is a cooperative so when you put your money in the credit union, other people have the benefit of borrowing it. In return, the borrower pays interest on the loan and you receive interest for your deposit.
Sounds simple right? It is!
Credit Unions are built on the philosophy of ‘people helping people’. At Trademark, we take that philosophy seriously. Every loan application that is not automatically approved is reviewed by a person who is looking for ways to approve the loan. If that person can’t say ‘yes’ we bring in another person to help figure out how we can approve the loan. Just last month we met with two new Members. This couple has been establishing their financial stability and finally worked their way to achieve their goal of purchasing their first ‘non beater’ car, as they referred to it.
You are not a number at Trademark, you are a person who has a life and we want to help you build and sustain financial security.
When you apply for a loan with Trademark, not only do we take approving loans seriously, we take saving people money seriously! Recently we learned of a Member with a timeshare loan at 17.50%. We looked over their finances and figured that we could save them $3,742.92 over five years if they refinanced that loan with us.
What would you do with that money? Go on vacation!
Another Member came in to refinance her vehicle with us. We noticed that we could save her more money if she refinanced her home with us. She agreed to move her loan to Trademark which reduced the interest rate by over 2% and the term by 18 months which equated to $37,595.99 in savings!
What would you do with that money? Create a rainy day fund!
So far this year we have saved people $185,768 by refinancing their loans with us. Check in with our loan team to see how we can save you money, if we can, we’ll give you $100*. We look forward to the challenge!
Point is, when you choose to deposit money here, real people benefit from the use of that money. Trademark is the connection that ensures that your money is going toward a responsible investment. You are helping people you may not even know, achieve financial security. Feels good right?
*Restrictions may apply. Limited time offer cannot be combined with any other offer, one per loan. Offer subject to change at any time. Upon disbursement of new Auto Loan refinanced from another Financial Institute of $10,000 or more, receives a $100 cash deposit or $50 cash deposit for loan totaling $5,000 up to $9,999. Existing Trademark Federal Credit Union loans do not qualify for the $100 or $50 bonus. Normal underwriting and Membership guidelines apply.
Written by: Joann Bisson