In January, we asked you what your financial goals are for 2019. Most people responded back that they are looking to save for something in particular – a vacation, a vehicle, even retirement. In some cases, people just wanted to increase their savings overall. We understand the importance of saving and we also know how hard it can be, so we’re offering up some tips!
- Establish a budget – Budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money and ensures that you have enough money for the things that are important to you, as well as helps you to see exactly how much you are able to put away toward the things you’re saving for. Click here to use Trademark’s Budgeting Spreadsheet.
- Aim for short-term savings goals – Make a goal, such as setting aside $20 a week or month, rather than a longer-term savings goal. People save more successfully when they keep short-term goals in sight.
- Open a Trademark Club Account – Most people know about our Christmas Clubs, but not everyone knows you can open a club account for any occasion and name it yourself. You can save for a vacation, a wedding or even set money aside for heating – open as many as you like and personalize them the way you want. We can even set up an automatic transfer for as much or as little as you like.
Don’t forget, no matter what your financial goal is for 2019, Trademark is here to help! Whether it’s sitting down with you to review your credit, helping you to create a budget that fits your life, or assisting you in creating specialized club accounts – we’re here to help you stick to your resolution!
Written by: Melissa Goode