Ever wish that you could set up an alert to know when you are below a certain amount in your account, or when you receive a deposit? Trademark’s got you covered! You can set up alerts for your account through Trademark Mobile and Trademark Online.
This useful tool can be used for a multitude of different reasons. It is simple to set up and is a great way to keep extra tabs on your funds. These email alerts are automatically sent to you for whatever notification you choose to activate. The options are endless:
- Deposit alerts
- Withdrawal alerts
- Alerts when your balance gets below certain amount
- Alerts when a draft has cleared your account
- And more!
Personally, I use the alerts to be aware of when I go below a certain amount in my account. It gives me a sense of security to know that I won’t be surprised at the checkout line, just in case my funds dipped lower than I anticipated. I now have accurate up-to-date alerts that let me know what’s going on with my account, without ever having to log into it. All I have to do is check my email!
In order to access the alert section, go onto your Trademark Mobile or Trademark Online account and click on Online Services, in the drop down choose “Member Alerts”. You can set up a new alert, review your alert history, and remove unwanted alerts you may have set up in the past. Once you have chosen the alert, they are activated immediately, and you are on your way to financial awareness!
Written by: Chelsea Formica