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I am committed to cleaning up the earth. Over time, I have adjusted my ro...
I am committed to cleaning up the earth. Over time, I have adjusted my routines to reduce the impact of my presence on the earth. I have adopted common practices, like switching from single use plastic water bottles to reusable ones, using reusable bags in place of plastic or paper ones, replacing plastic utensils with reusable ones, and composting. I even am working to replace the use of paper towels with rags.
This commitment has recently been renewed due to my work as a Director on the Mark Baumer Sustainability Fund Board. Mark was an award-winning poet, committed activist, and my cousin. He was passionate about our planet and the beauty that nature provides us. Mark was struck and killed by an SUV on January 21, 2017. He was walking legally in the middle of the paved shoulder, against traffic, wearing a fluorescent vest, on a long, flat straightaway. He had turned 33 years old a month earlier, the week before Christmas. Mark had been walking across America to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change.
Mark’s parents, Mary and Jim Baumer, started this nonprofit to fund important community projects that raise awareness about the environment and to promote social justice, as well as involving under-served populations directly in renewing their communities. When asked to join the Board to support this mission, I was honored.
My Aunt Mary has said for many years now, “Every time you go to the beach, pick up three pieces of trash.” I have honored this request and am always surprised at how three pieces of trash can turn into so many more.
This Spring, as the snow melted away, I noticed how much trash was uncovered along the routes that I walk around my home. I started picking up the trash, and what at first looked like a little amount began filling grocery bags quickly. Once you start looking for trash, there is so much to find.
April 22nd is the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement, otherwise known as Earth Day. I plan to honor this anniversary throughout the month by picking up trash. Not only does it beautify your neighborhood, but it also makes you feel good and accomplished.
The Trademark Team will be meeting virtually on Patriots’ Day for training, team building and to pick up some trash in their own neighborhoods. Please join us throughout the month to beautify your neighborhoods, too. Share your work via social media by tagging us or use the hashtag #trademarkcleanupcrew
My cousin Mark said, ‘“It’s amazing how often we all forget this is the only opportunity we are ever going to have to live this life.” I will extend that to say – and we only have this one planet to live on.
I am committed to cleaning up the earth. Over time, I have adjusted my ro...