Trademark Turns 85!
If you’re considering refinancing your home, now is the time! Let ...
Let us compare your current monthly payments with another lender to see how much we could save you by bringing your loan to Trademark*! We can show you some great savings options, with rates as low as 2.49% APR**.
But don’t delay because these low rates won’t last forever!
On a $100,000 loan, you would save:
If your current loan rate is | If your current loan term is: | You can expect these savings at Trademark: |
4.99% | 10 years | $14,151*** |
6.99% | 10 years | $26,199*** |
4.99% | 15 years | $20,187*** |
4.99% | 20 years | $28,715**** |
Looking for a term higher than what is shown? We can still help you save!
Call (800) 696-1146 (option #4) or click here to get started today!
*Must meet income and collateral value requirements. Value of refinance must be $10,000.
**Rates will vary based on the property value, term and the credit of the borrower. Rates as of 1/1/2021 rates expire 10/31/2021. Underwriting guidelines apply. Closing costs will apply.
***Total interest saved over the term of the loan. Savings based on $100,000 balance, with the above disclosed terms being refinanced into a $100,000 loan with a 2.49% APR for 10 or 15 years.
****Total interest saved over the term of the loan. Savings based on $100,000 balance, with the above disclosed terms being refinanced into a $100,000 loan with a 2.74% APR for 20 years. APR = Annual percentage rate.
If you’re considering refinancing your home, now is the time! Let ...