Save Time and Money with Online Bill Pay - Trademark FCU
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Save Time and Money with Online Bill Pay

2019 is a new year with a blank slate. There are so many exciting ideas and visions for a successful 2019. Most of us are dreaming about a long overdue vacation, or heading back to school to finish what we’ve started, or maybe we’re ready to pay down debt or save up for something important. Whatever your financial goals, the Resolution Revolution Checklist can help! Use this checklist to write down financial goals and keep track of your monthly progress!

There are other financial tools available within your Trademark Home Banking platform. One of the easiest ways to ensure the success of your financial plan is to shift all of your payments over to Trademark Online Bill Pay. This system also enables you to quickly look up past payment records; helping you to evaluate expense trends on a month-to-month basis. You can also set up recurring payments, which not only saves you a lot of time in the long run, but it also provides the piece-of-mind that your bills are always paid on time.

We know that some people have been reluctant to set up Online Bill Pay because of the delay between when your payment is taken from your account and when it arrives in your vendor’s account. We’re excited to let you know you can now make an electronic payment next-day. Speeding up this process ensures that you don’t risk missing deadlines on short notice.

Did you know that you can now pay people? For instance, you can send money to your child who is away at college, or reimburse your sister for the milk she picked up at the grocery store. In addition to paying businesses, Trademark Online Bill Pay lets you pay people just as easily. Log into Trademark Online and check it out!

Let’s start 2019 strong by using these tools that are designed to help you reach your goals, and perhaps you’ll reach them much sooner than you think!