Increase Your Social Distancing by Using Plastics - Trademark FCU
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Increase Your Social Distancing by Using Plastics

As a result of mandated social distancing it is getting harder and harder to conduct your daily business in the manner you are accustomed to.  With the recent Executive Order issued by Governor Janet Mills this week, most restaurants are closed or strictly doing business on a take-out or delivery basis only.  It has come to our attention that many of these establishments are no longer taking cash payments to help reduce contact between their delivery personnel and their customers.  It can be expected that increasingly, businesses will be requiring payment over the phone using either a debit or credit card.  If you do not have a Credit or Debit card, you can reach out to Trademark for whichever you need.  We want you to be prepared and have total access to your accounts!


VISA ScoreCardRewards Credit Card: Trademark offers the VISA ScoreCardRewards Credit Card.  Every time you use your card you earn valuable Bonus Points  These points can be redeemed for exciting merchandise and travel rewards!  An application is required for the credit card and we will gladly email or mail you an application the day you reach out to us. Click here to apply today.


Trademark Debit Card: If you already have a checking account, and would like a debit card, we can print one and get it in the mail to you ASAP or arrange for you to pick it up at either our Scarborough or Augusta branch locations. Contact us to enroll for a debit card today!