Ending Hunger Challenge - Trademark FCU
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Ending Hunger Challenge

As you may know, Trademark participates in the Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger, a hunger relief initiative that helps ensure Mainers in our community and across Maine have access to healthy, nutritious meals. The Campaign raises hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, a portion of which comes through the generous support of our credit union employees, volunteers, and Members.


Throughout the year, Trademark and other credit unions throughout the state hold fundraisers for the Campaign. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, many planned fundraising events have been cancelled. But that’s not stopping our effort to raise money! With 138,000 Mainers filing jobless claims since the start of the pandemic, our communities need our help more than ever before. Families who were food secure—even a few months ago—are now struggling to put food on the table.


So, here’s what we are planning to do and how you can help us.

Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger $100,000 Challenge

The Campaign is launching a $100,000 challenge that will run June 4 – July 4! Over the next 30 days, every dollar raised by the Campaign will support Good Shepherd Food Bank and local community food pantries and meal sites. These organizations are facing an unprecedented demand for food while food donations are at an all-time low. They need our support.

This Campaign has already received its first Challenge pledge of $100,000 to kick-start this fundraising effort—money the Campaign will direct to Good Shepherd Food Bank’s COVID-19 response. 


Trademark has already donated over $3,000 to hunger organizations since the pandemic began. We have further pledged to raise $5,000 toward this goal and will match up to $2,500!


We Challenge You

Between now and July 4, please consider making a tax-deductible online donation to the Campaign at CampaignForEndingHunger.org, and select Trademark FCU as your credit union, on the Donor page. Individual contributors will be listed on the Campaign’s website (with permission), and businesses contributing more than $250 can have their logos featured on the Contributor’s page. Every dollar counts!

We encourage you to open your hearts and your wallets to this important effort and challenge others to do the same. Your support will help ensure Maine families get the food they need during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.