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Every child dreams about their future. Some of those dreams may require money in...
Every child dreams about their future. Some of those dreams may require money in order to come true. How do you help your children achieve their dreams?
One way is to help them learn how to save money. During financial literacy month in April, we will focus on helping young people develop good saving habits.
We created programs and services designed specifically for young people. One of those is our Youth Month programming.
In addition, we will be making the first $5.00 deposit on all new Youth Accounts (ages 17 and under) for the entire month of April!
We also want to celebrate those SUPERSAVERS, so we will be holding a random drawing to give away 2 movie tickets* to see one of the new SUPERHERO movies coming to theaters:
How to enter the drawing –
To enter, simply open a new Youth Account, or make a deposit of $10.00 or more into your existing Youth Account during the month of April. The winner will be picked at random on Wednesday, May 1, 2019.
Second way to enter –
In addition to making their first deposit, we’re offering a special website that takes your child on a money management tour. This simulation is similar to the game of “LIFE”. In this game, you will be given a career and monthly income and then have to visit booths associated with various expenses that the average adult is faced with each month. Your goal is to create a monthly budget that does not exceed your monthly income.
Designed to look and feel like an in-person financial fitness fair, which typically takes place in a school gymnasium, this Money Management Experience is now easily accessible for Trademark Members!
Each person who signs up to play this game, will get automatically entered into the drawing to win 2 movie tickets.
Click the link below and enter code: TMFCU to get started!
We will also be offering educational handouts for parents of children all ages, to help in the different financial stages in their lives.
Don’t forget to visit our lobbies because our SUPERHERO photo booth is back in April too!! You and your SUPERSAVER can try on one of our SUPERHERO costumes and have a picture taken in front of our special SUPERHERO backdrop!
*Tickets will be in the form of a gift card.
Written by: Melissa Goode
Every child dreams about their future. Some of those dreams may require money in...