We wouldn’t be where we are today without the passion and dedication of our team. Join us this month as we celebrate one teammate’s anniversary and welcome a new teammate!


Enjoy these fun facts about Vicki:

Favorite quote: “A positive mindset brings positive things.”

Hidden talents: Pretending that I know a lot about sports with my 4 grandsons, yet they know the difference.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Greece and the Greek Isles.

If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Seafood.

What is your favorite genre of music? Reggae and Old Country.

What is your favorite memory from working at Trademark?  After 15 years, too many to count, but having conversations with my teammates and getting to know them personally – PRICELESS.


Please join us in welcoming Janice to the Team! Janice was born in England, grew up in the Silicon Valley and then moved to New England 18 years ago. She is a “wifeager” to her husband, who is a professional MMA fighter, and is a “momager” to her daughter, who is the State of Maine Discus champion of 2021. She loves camping, is obsessed with cows (you’re in the right state for that, Janice!) and enjoys traveling. Janice has a blended family of 7 children and has three dogs. We are so happy to have her join our team!